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Metabolic Testing: What It Is & Why We Care

Metabolic Testing

how many calories do i need

What Is It

Well, in short, it is a test that helps us determine how many calories you burn at rest.

The method we use is indirect calorimeter, which is the gold standard field test, and the MOST accurate way we can determined your metabolism outside of a hospital or lab. The device we have measures your oxygen to carbon dioxide ratios (the inputs and byproducts of metabolism), to determine how metabolically active your body is.

Why does it matter?

This number becomes the baseline of determining your caloric needs.

If you burn 1500 calories at rest, then we use that plus your daily activity to determine your total caloric expenditure. Having this number is crucial for performance, weight loss, weight gain or any body composition goals you have. It is also important to know, because chronically eating under this number will cause your metabolism to adapt down.

Whether you are interested in tracking calories or not, this number helps us educate you on how much to eat based on your goals.

What determines my metabolism?

A lot of factors! Some of the most significant factors are gender, muscle mass, dieting history, hormone levels, medications, and stress levels.

But can’t I use a calculation?

Sure, but these aren’t always accurate. These don’t take into account the above factors. I always compare the number I get from the test with the calculations AND In-Body scan results. I can honestly say in most cases, these numbers can all vary 100-400 calories. If you were to use an inaccurate number to determine your needs, you may not reach your goals due to under or overeating.

Can my metabolic rate change?

For sure!!! Depending on muscle mass changes, weight changes, recent under or over eating, changes in hormones, changes in medications and stress levels, your metabolic rate can change.

What is the test like?

It is pretty simple. You just need to breathe into our device for 10 minutes. Your nose will be plugged with a nose clip so that all your air is coming through your mouth. You have to be fasted and avoid caffeine and exercise prior to the test.

Guys, I promise this test worth it! I am so not into gimmicky stuff, so I wouldn’t utilize this tool if I didn’t trust the science behind it!

The Truth About Protein Powders

best protein powder

I swear I get asked on the daily about protein powders… do I recommend? How much? Which brands? What to look for? So…. Here is your guide to all the questions about protein powder you may have!!!

I even linked some of my favorite brands at the bottom!!

How Important is Protein Powder in Achieving Your Goals?

Too often, people rely on a pill or powder in an attempt to hit a new health or fitness goal, rather than focusing on what matters most: nutrition, progressive overload, sleep, stress, and time management. In reality, a supplement can only provide a slight benefit (less than 5%), even when these other factors are really dialed in. However, there are a few exceptions. A high-quality protein powder is something we do recommend for some.

When Should You Supplement?

We recommend a supplement when a client has a high protein goal that they are struggling to reach. For example, a client who is vegetarian might have a hard time getting enough plant-based proteins in. Maybe a busy athlete needs a quick and convenient protein source to support recovery. Even those looking to lose weight can have higher protein goals, and a protein supplement makes that goal attainable. Sometimes, having just one or two extra servings of protein daily can make things significantly easier.

What Should I Look For?

When choosing a protein supplement, there are a few key things to look for to make sure you are getting a high-quality, effective, affordable source of protein.

Amount of Protein

You want at least 20 grams of protein in a single serving, and the serving size should ideally be 1 scoop. By maximizing the protein content and minimizing the serving size, the protein powder will be convenient, easier to track, and likely more affordable.


Not all protein sources are created equal. Some proteins are better utilized in our bodies than others, so even if the label says “20g of Protein”, you might not be using it completely. Whey and Casein proteins are the most ideal. If you are dairy-free, Soy protein is a very good option for you. If you are looking for a vegan powder, look for one that has a combination of proteins, such as rice, pea, hemp, potato, etc. (having 3 or more sources is ideal).


Now that you have chosen a good source of protein, you can then consider the Leucine content of it. Protein is made up of amino acids, and Leucine is one that plays a very important role in building muscle. Research shows that having 2-3g of Leucine with each serving of protein maximizes the effect that protein has on the muscles. Generally, a balanced meal of lean protein, carbohydrates, and vegetables, will have that Leucine content. But for protein supplements, making sure it has the right amount of Leucine, if available, is recommended.

Other Nutrition Facts

Your protein supplement shouldn’t have a bunch of unnecessary carbohydrates, fat, and calories. Those are best obtained through more whole-food sources. Avoid a supplement that has more than 5g of carbohydrates or 3g of fat. Save those for your meals!


Don’t assume that because a protein powder is the most expensive on the shelf, that it is of superior quality. Do some research to find a protein powder that fits your budget, but also has the other factors listed in this blog.

Recommended Brands

Look for a supplement that is third-party tested to ensure you are getting what you pay for and nothing potentially harmful or allergenic. The gold-standard is NSF and Informed Choice. Look for these logos:

best protein powder
how to pick protein powder

A few brands we recommend:

Not Sure If You Should Be Supplementing?

Reach out to one of our dietitians to see if a protein supplement might be right for you in helping you hit your health or fitness goals!

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Guys! I have been wanting to do this forever and am very excited to finally be doing it! I wanted to make a page that you can land on to find products that I recommend frequently (and use myself too!) Check it out!!!





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